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would like to express my gratitude for attending today's live show. I took a moment to look at the live chat and noticed a lot of people from all over the world. We are all from the United States, from the north to the east and the south of the west. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and regardless of what the adversaries would have us think, it is a wonderful time to be alive in the Lord. So I just wanted to thank you again for coming here. I'm going to do this for you guys every morning because I want all the F of chats. That should be our motto every day: God wins. He wins in my life. You can say that he wins with my health. He wins in my family. He wins in my finances. He wins in my nation. Whatever it is that the enemy is trying to tell you that you are losing, just keep saying that God wins and the greater one lives on the inside of me that he that's in the world so if he's trying to convince you otherwise, then what good is doing and evil is losing? Since God is with me always and will always be, we should never go to work or go about our daily business without first making God the center of our lives and telling him, "God, you take care of everything and I give it to you because your hands are big enough again." God wins, that's all. We also need to inform our enemies of this and remind them that God is an undefeated God, that God is alive, that God is not dead, that God is the Conqueror, and that no one can ever conquer or defeat God.  already been paid for; individuals and governments throughout the world are currently attempting to take away from you and destroy the authority that God has freely granted you; this is because of what Jesus accomplished for us; Jesus paid for our freedoms; our enemies are attempting to trick us out of the money that has already been paid for; we have been ransomed. I'll read aloud from a number of scriptures and cover a number of topics so that you can all understand the scope and authority of what Jesus has already accomplished for us by shedding his blood.

assured that he doesn't need to deliver it to us because those liberties are already ours. Consequently, our adversary should keep in mind the four Ds: the devil deceives, distracts, and destroys. Okay, so that's one thing. The other thing we should be doing is practicing the four FS. The devil tries to deceive, distract, and destroy, but we are supposed to have a firm foundation of focus on the father because, when the enemy tries to deceive you, he is also trying to distract you and destroy you. If you have that firm foundation, however, you will not be deceived, distracted, or destroyed. This is why it is so crucial for us to** against our freedoms and take what is rightfully ours, and he's trying to trick us out of something that is already ours. Alright, so before I get to that, let me go over something that I briefly discussed last week. If you have any praise reports or requests for prayer, please visit our website at jgm international.org under our contact page, or you can write to Julie Green Ministries International at 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. If you're looking for upcoming events, you can check our website at jgm international.org under our events page. Additionally, if you're looking for write down and make notes. Write this down inside of you because this is something that the war against our freedom has intensified. Alright, so what exactly is our freedom now that the war against it has intensified? I'm going to read that again because I know that having the freedom to speak and think as one pleases is a requirement of being an American citizen and, of course, of being a child of the most high God in general because Jesus paid for our freedom. However, I also know that although we have the right to free speech in our country, it has been restricted. speech freedom is once more The definition of freedom of speech is the ability to act, speak, or think as one pleases without interference or limitation. Since 2020, however, we have been engaged in a full-scale battle to express our opinions and views, with the belief that thinking differently than a particular political party is a conspiracy. While I don't pursue or condemn such individuals, I do not support their removal from certain positions because their right to think as they please is their own. hindrance or restraint we have been restrained with our even thinking if you think or speak any thoughts that you are thinking it's conspiracy theory you get condemned you get treated like you are a criminal this we are an all out War for our freedom and now you can see why the enemy doesn't want you to have that power or right to act they don't want you to speak your thoughts they don't want you to think the way you want to think they don't want you to do these things why because then they can't control you the enemy wants right now to control your every way of thinking that's why they're even thinking about chipping people and putting implant in your brain it can change the way you think they're trying to do everything put chips in our cars by 2026 it's not going to happen put chips in our cars it's a it's a kill switch well they don't like something you're doing they can just stop your car in the middle of the road and you can't go anywhere this is something that we are not supposed to tread lightly on this is something that again God said we are um on active duty we are in the army of the Lord we are his heavy armed soldiers that's why we have the armor of almighty God we are at a war and there's we have to right now we have to act in that Werther's something I want to say to you and uh one of the first scriptures I'm going to give now the Lord gives a word today he will if not this is what we're going to learn on today or I'm going to teach you today because this has been on my heart all morning long I tried going a different way and he didn't want me to so again this is something that the Lord Lord has on my heart to give to you because you need to know what is rightfully already yours and the enemy is trying to steal it remember John 10:10 the thief comes but what to kilo sorry to steal versus steal to kill and then destroy so our enemy John 10:10 the enemy wants a first to steal to kill and to destroy your enemies right now are right now trying to steal everything that rightfully belongs to you as a child of God and then they're going further they're trying to steal everything from you which rightfully yours as a citizen of your nation that's what the enemies wants to do they want you to believe that they have that power totaled your freedoms away they want you to believe that their governmentbody that's in control of your nation they want you to truly submit to and believe that they have the power to take these freedoms from you again what is freedom the pursuit or right to act speak think or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint they don't have that power to take your freedom I'm going to read to you today in scripture how they don't have that power and they don't have that author Authority or right to do so and what you can do about it now in um we're going to go to Timothy 1 Timothy chapter6 1 Timothy and chapter 6 and verse12 1 Timothy 6 and 12 fight the good fight of Faith lay hold of that eternal life to which you were summoned and for which you confess a good confession of faith without many witnesses God has summons us just like if we are American citizen and we get a jury duty summons we have to go if we don't go we can get arrested you are summonsed God is summoning you into this battle but it's battle that you are going to win because the battle has already been won by Jesus Christ God just wants you to be an agreement with him and receive that freedom you're not fighting for the freedom itself because Jesus has You are not fighting to have that freedom; rather, you are fighting to preserve it because the enemy is attempting to steal it from you. You have already fought for that freedom and are fighting to keep it so the enemy cannot trick you out of what is already yours. Itoh 10:10 states that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. This is something I read to you last week as well, and I need to read it again to understand why we have under God for our country. This is something else that contains insight revelation, and our founding fathers put it in these specific places. Furthermore, this is not just for the people of the United States of America; it is for the children of Almighty God.

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